DIY Guns, Care of the Trump Regime

[Content Note: Guns.]

This is very, very bad news. Jamiles Lartey at the Guardian: DIY 3D-Printed Guns Get Go-Ahead After Trump Administration Strikes Court Deal.
From 1 August, thanks to the Trump administration, a commercially available software blueprint will allow people to make their own guns using ABS plastic resin and a 3D printer.

The green light came late last month, with a court settlement between the designer of the blueprint and the US state department. Gun rights advocates celebrated.

In a statement greeting the news, the Second Amendment Foundation founder and executive vice-president, Alan Gottlieb, said: "Not only is this a first amendment victory for free speech, it also is a devastating blow to the gun prohibition lobby."

Defense Distributed, the company behind the blueprint, declared: "The age of the downloadable gun formally begins."
There is no barrier to owning an untraceable 3D-printed gun — not even cost, as the price of 3D printers continues to drop and many are now cheaper than the price of many guns.

No licensing requirements; no background checks. No problem if you're a convicted domestic abuser. All you need is access to a 3D printer "and enough ABS plastic resin" to create one.


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