Daily Dose of Cute

image of Olivia the White Farm Cat lying between my legs, with her head on one leg and her front paws pressed up against the other

Olivia has always been a social cat, but, in her dotage, she has gotten ridiculously clingy — and one of her favorite maneuvers is wedging herself between my legs as I'm sitting on the sofa, staring up at me intently, until I pet her with appropriate attention and vigor, lol. It's a very effective strategy, frankly. She's a very smart girl!

Bonus Sophs, thinking about Tony and subtly inviting a belly rub:

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat lying on an orange pillow on the sofa, with her belly up, looking adorbz

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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