Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by jerky.

Recommended Reading:

Joanne Zuhl at Street Roots News: Political Journalist Sarah Kendzior on What Middle America Can Teach the Rest of the Country

Robin Marty at Dame: [Content Note: War on agency] The Supreme Court's Silence on Abortion Is Deadly

Andy Towle at Towleroad: A Grandmother Is Going Viral on Twitter Because of a 'Simple Gesture' of Love for Her Bisexual Granddaughter

Kia Morgan-Smith at the Grio: [CN: Transphobia; misogynoir] Transgender Track Athletes Speak out About Backlash over High School Victory [Note: If you're having trouble with this one, this thread should help.]

Melanie Ehrenkranz at Gizmodo: Silicon Valley Investor's Weirdo Dream of Three Californias Just Got One Step Closer to Reality

Megan Purdy at Comic Book Resources: Ant-Man and the Wasp Delivers a Sweaty Marvel Heroine, at Last

Kristy Puchko at Pajiba: [CN: Wonder Woman sequel character spoiler] Patty Jenkins Just Blew Our Minds with a Shocking and Sexy Wonder Woman 2 Reveal

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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