Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by summer showers.

Recommended Reading:

Dom Cosentino at Deadspin: Malcolm Jenkins Says a Lot without Saying a Thing

Monique Morrissey at the Economic Policy Institute: Social Security Trustees Report Shows Why We Should Expand the Program — Not Look for Excuses to Cut It

Patti Greco at Bustle: Oceans 8 Star Sarah Paulson Is Ready

Kayleigh Donaldson at Pajiba: Earnest: Why We Still Owe Anne Hathaway an Apology

Shane Thomas at Media Diversified: [CN: Racism; classism] Raheem Sterling: English Football's Cultural Panic

Sarah Alexander at Ms.: [CN: Discussion of fat hatred] Welcome to Dietland

Mark Kaufman at Mashable: That Beluga Whale Certainly Doesn't Have Legs; Here's What It Does Have

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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