Trump Escalates His Nativist Rhetoric

[Content Note: Nativism. Note: If this item seems familiar, it may be because I dropped it into the comments of today's We Resist thread. But it's too important not to also mention on the main page, , since not everyone dives into comments.]

Lauren Gambino and Jamiles Lartey at the Guardian: Donald Trump Says U.S. Will Not Be a 'Migrant Camp'.
Donald Trump said the U.S. would not be a "migrant camp" as his administration defended its controversial practice of at the border.

"The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility," Trump said during remarks at the White House on Monday.

"You look at what's happening in Europe," he continued, "you look at what's happening in other places — we can't allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch."
Absolutely chilling.

Even by his own execrable standards, Trump is becoming incredibly brazen.

And he is very, very determined to fell The New Colossus with an ancient hatred.

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