Bernie Sanders, What Are You Even Doing Now?

First of all, have you ever met yourself, Bernie?! Secondly, OMG DUDE READ THE ROOM.

Leave it to Bernie Sanders to take a moment to lecture us about civility on the same day that Anthony Kennedy announces his retirement.

Also: I seem to recall a "small but vocal minority" of Sanders supporters whose intense harassment of Hillary Clinton supporters was visible and relentless enough that Bernie Sanders himself was eventually obliged to comment on it, offering weakly: "We don't want that crap" and "Anybody who is supporting me that is doing the sexist things — we don't want them."

I further seem to recall that when his supporters threw dollar bills at Hillary Clinton's motorcade, days after Dr. Paul Song, a speaker at a Sanders rally, called her a "Democratic whore," Sanders did not admonish his supporters about the need for "civility."

And yet he found time to defend Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who, if she wants to be served in restaurants run by decent people, literally has to do nothing more than not be a fucking Nazi.

Good goddamn grief, Bernie.

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