Trump Continues His Attacks on the Free Press

Among Donald Trump's morning tweetshitz today was this bit of rank authoritarianism, posing as a casual question to whomever he perceives his audience to be these days:

Trump has been waging a war on the free press since virtually the moment he announced his candidacy in July 2015 — but, because the political press is increasingly defined less by holding the powerful accountable and more by maintaining proximity to power (i.e. access journalism), many members of that press continue to indulge him and abet his media manipulations, even as he continually threatens them.

They are seemingly unconcerned about the threat to their integrity, possibly because they are so eminently willing to concede their integrity of their own free will, just so long as they keep getting the Big Scoops.

The fate of the republic hangs in the balance, and our press simply isn't up to the task of protecting it.

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