Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Hellianne: "What's something 'weird' about yourself that you value?"

The older I get, the more I realize that what I once thought was "weird" about me isn't nearly as weird as I thought. Anything that once felt unusual or isolating has, with time and contact with other weirdos, now feels more common than I once imagined — or still rare, but special.

But whatever parts of me are indeed weird, I value them all. They make me who I am, and some of my weirdest aspects are the ones around which I've forged the strongest connections with people I love and who love me back.

For a less serious answer, lol, I love that my weirdly bendy fingers can do this, because it always freaks people out!

[Video Description: My hands appear in front of the camera in my home workspace. I squeeze together the tips of my splayed fingers on either hand, then bring my middle fingers underneath my index fingers and back again.]

The Vaudevillian contortionist lives on through his great-granddaughter!

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