Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Brad C.: "What's your 'moving' failure or triumph?"
U-Haul breakdown? Apartment unexpectedly occupied when you arrive? Twice the space you expected for half the price? A dozen weightlifters just happen to be hanging out on the corner, looking for heavy things to lift? Accidentally lose a precious gift from your mother-in-law? Accidentally lose your mother-in-law???

Park your truck containing all your earthly possessions on a hill without wheel blocks and have it break lose in the middle of the night and careen down the street, split the uprights between two houses, and plunge into a ravine? (Not that I have any experience with THAT one.... actually...)
LOL oh dear!

This is a failure and triumph all in one: Right after we closed on our current home and had the keys in our hands, I exclaimed to Iain, "Let's go over to the house and run around yelling with excitement!" To which he replied with equal enthusiasm: "Okay!"

So we drove over to the house, only to discover there were people in it. We knew it wasn't the former owners, because they hadn't even been at the closing, as they'd already left town to close on their new home.

We ventured in hesitantly, finding a professional cleaning crew whom the previous owners had hired, just to give the house one last cleaning for us before our arrival. (The previous owners are so great. We love them.) The cleaners were supposed to have been done by the end of the closing but were running late.

So instead of running around screaming excitedly like the goofballs we are, we just sort of stood around awkwardly while the cleaners (who were also so nice and did such a good job!) finished their work and made polite conversation with us.

By that time, all the momentum had drained out of the Run Around with Our Hands in the Air idea. But we had a sparkling clean house, so that was pretty good, too. :)

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