Hello 44!

image of a cake featuring a unicorn puking a rainbow
Cake and photo by Nila, whose amazing recipe
and detailed instructions are here.

Today is my birthday, so please help yourself to a piece of my birthday cake! Hell, help yourself to two. As many as you like. It's my birthday, so you are allowed to have as many pieces as you want, because I say so!

It's a magical cake, so there are as many pieces as we need — and if you need it to be sugar free, it is! If you need it to be gluten free, it is! If you need it to be dairy free, it is! If you need it to be free of nuts, it is! But if you want all the sugar, all the gluten, all the dairy, and all the nuts, it's loaded with them!

If you want the inside to be vanilla, it's vanilla. If you want the inside to be chocolate, it's chocolate. If you want it to be a savory cake instead of a sweet cake, so be it. It's any kind of cake you want!


I will be giving myself the birthday present of not looking at the news today! (BEST GIFT EVER.) So use the Open Thread to discuss the news of the day, and I'll put up the Virtual Pub later. ♥

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