Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by tattoo ink.

Recommended Reading:

Princess Weekes: Maya Angelou's 90th Birthday Celebrated on Today's Google Doodle

Sarah Jaffe at Dame: [Content Note: Sexual harassment and assault] Who's Protecting Home-Care Workers in the #MeToo Era?

Tess Garcia at Ms.: Young Feminists Are Leading the Fight for Black Lives in Chicago

Brian Kahn at Earther: How First Nations Are Keeping Watch over an Embattled Canadian Pipeline

Andy Towle at Towleroad: [CN: Homophobia; Christian supremacy] Air Force: Colonel Wrongly Punished for Refusing to Sign 'Certificate of Appreciation' for Gay Airman's Spouse

Sabrina Ford at Bust: [CN: Toxic masculinity; sexual assault] Brooklyn Nine-Nine Actor Terry Crews Is Man Enough to Say #MeToo

Emily Yoshida at Vulture: What It's Like to Watch Isle of Dogs as a Japanese Speaker

Rae Paoletta at Inverse: This "Ancient Cold Front" in the Perseus Galaxy Shows an Ominous Winter

George Dvorsky: Why Neanderthals Had Faces That Were So Different from Ours

Yasmin Tayag at Inverse: Thoreau's Beloved Walden Pond Is Being Destroyed by Urinating Swimmers

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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