Throwback Thursdays

image of me at age 9, standing in my living room in a sassy pose, with my hand on my hip, my hair tied up in a scarf, my jeans rolled up, and sporting a blouse with a cursive L on it

There is nothing we won't try;
Never heard the word "impossible."
This time there's no stopping us—
We're gonna do it!

As I have previously mentioned, I loved Laverne & Shirley so much as a kid that a childhood friend and I performed the theme song for a school talent show when we were in third grade. My mom even stitched an L (for Liss/Laverne) onto my blouse for the occasion!

[Please share your own throwback pix in comments. Just make sure the pix are just of you and/or you have consent to post from other living people in the pic. And please note that they don't have to be pictures from childhood, especially since childhood pix might be difficult for people who come from abusive backgrounds or have transitioned or lots of other reasons. It can be a picture from last week, if that's what works for you. And of course no one should feel obliged to share a picture at all! Only if it's fun!]

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