I Can't Even, Followed by More Cantevening

Naturally, this tweet was met by someone "defying" me to "find an occasion" when Bernie Sanders ever said that Hillary Clinton was unqualified.

It's like clockwork. I criticize Bernie Sanders for having said something, and someone immediately jumps into my mentions to claim he never said it, and then I pull out four million or so receipts, and then the goalposts change.

In this case, my correspondent then said that he was just responding to Hillary Clinton saying the same of him, which of course I pointed out was false, showing the receipt for that, so they moved on to claiming that "not qualified" and "unqualified" weren't the same thing, which is just so cringingly embarrassing that, at that point, I just blocked them.

I honestly don't know if I can deal with Bernie running for president and Trump being president at the same time.

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