Friday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by earrings.

Recommended Reading:

Monica Roberts at TransGriot: Rep. Maxine Waters' SOTU Response Speech (Note: I haven't yet been able to find a transcript, but will share here when I do. If you beat me to it, please drop the link and/or text in comments!)

Vivian Kane at the Mary Sue: [Content Note: White supremacy] Ivanka Trump Says Black History Month Is About "All Americans" and That Went Over About as Well as You'd Expect

Bea Bischoff at Dame: [CN: Nativism] "Chain Migration" Is Not a Thing

Karthick Ramakrishnan and Janelle Wong at AAPI Data: Ethnicity Data Is Critical to Address the Diverse Needs of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Stephen A. Crockett Jr. at the Root: [CN: Anti-blackness; classism] In Shocking Report, 100 Percent of NFL's Black Men Surveyed Are Treated Like Black Men

Kashmira Gander at Towleroad via Newsweet: [CN: Homophobia] India's Gay Prince Opening up Palace as LGBT Sanctuary

Alex McLevy at AV Club: Alex Trebek Basically Shoved a Bunch of Nerds in Lockers on Last Night's Jeopardy! (That 100% would have been me, staring blankly at those American football questions, lol!)

Yasmin Tayag at Inverse: Best Friends Really Do Share Brain Patterns, Neuroscientists Reveal (See, all these years I've been saying that Deeky and I are BRAINTWINZ and it turns out I was RIGHT! Thanks, SCIENCE!)

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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