Wednesday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by pomegranate.

Recommended Reading:

Andrea Grimes at Dame: [Content Note: Nativism] When Trump Says "Unity," He Means Submit

Yessenia Funes at Earther: The Real-Life Mermaid Fighting to Save Florida's Disappearing Springs

Nicole Yunger Halpern at Preposterous Universe: On What Makes Extraordinary Science Extraordinary

Kaiser at Celebitchy: [CN: Misogynoir] Jennifer Hudson: Flight Attendants Regularly Think I Belong 'in the Back of the Plane'

Marykate Jasper at the Mary Sue: Black Panther Setting Advance Ticket Sale Records

Beth Elderkin at io9: New Star Wars Comic Shows Rose Reacted to Meeting Poe as All of Us Would

George Dvorsky at Gizmodo: [CN: Moving GIF at link] NASA's Curiosity Rover Captures Breathtaking Panorama of Martian Landscape

Rae Paoletta at Inverse: 13 Stunning Images of the Super Blue Blood Moon

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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