Bernie Stinks

I know this is hardly trenchant political commentary, but my god does Bernie Sanders stink.

A lot.

Exhibit Wev in an endless series of examples:

It isn't clear when Sanders will give his rebuttal, but presumably he will deliver it immediately following the State of the Union, just like he did last year.

(It wasn't technically a State of the Union, because Donald Trump had just been inaugurated, but it was where the SOTU would have been, if he hadn't been a first-year president.)

Not only will Sanders be splitting progressives' attentions and subverting the message that will be delivered by Democratic Rep. Joe Kennedy, but, he will also be speaking opposite Rep. Maxine Waters, who will be delivering a national address on BET.

Bernie Sanders will never, ever, have my support as long as he keeps pulling stunts like this one, which are clearly designed to explicitly fracture the progressive coalition.

And here's something else: As long as the Democrats continue to give any support or sanction to this divisive asshole who undermines them at every turn to Donald Trump's favor, they are not getting a dime of my money. It's that simple. He is not helping them; he has been actively hurting the Democrats, and here he is doing it yet again.

When he wants to leverage the Democrats' infrastructure, he's a Democrat. When he wants to be a spoiler, then he's suddenly an Independent again. And the only people who can put a stop to his assault on the Democratic Party are the leadership of the Democratic Party.

This is what he's going to keep doing. Give up on this loser.

I sure have.

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