Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Kathy_A: "Who was your favorite elementary school teacher?"

Oh wow, I loved (almost) all of my elementary school teachers — and my principal, and his secretary, and the recess monitors, and the lunch crew, and the janitors, and the school nurse, and my speech therapist, and the room moms.

I was super lucky to have a whole lot of terrific women, and four men (principal, one 5th grade teacher, one gym teacher, and one janitor) who cared about my classmates and me during elementary school, which was not overall a great time for me, being the painfully shy and awkward kid that I was.

My favorite teacher was probably my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Dubovich. The reasons that many of the boys called her "Mrs. Dubo-bitch" were the same reasons I loved her.

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