Elizabeth Warren, What Are You Even Doing?

JAKE TAPPER: I want to ask you one other question, Senator. We learned today from former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile that the Clinton campaign in her view did rig the presidential nominating process by entering into an agreement to control day-to-day operations at the DNC. The Clinton campaign controlling the party's staffing, strategy, finances, communications, and that agreement was entered into in August 2015, a year before she defeated Senator Bernie Sanders. This must shock you.

SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN: Look, this is a real problem, but what we've got to do is Democrats now, is we've got to hold this party accountable. When Tom Perriello was first — Tom Perez was first elected chair of the DNC, the very first conversation I had with him is to say, you have got to put together a Democratic Party in which everybody can have confidence that the party is working for Democrats, rather than Democrats are working for the party. And he's being tested now. This is a test for Tom Perez. And either he's going to succeed by bringing Bernie Sanders and Bernie Sanders' representatives into this process, and they're going to say it's fair, it works, we all believe it, or he's going to fail. And I very much hope he succeeds. I hope for Democrats everywhere, I hope for Bernie, and for all of Bernie supporters, that he's going to succeed.

TAPPER: Very quickly, Senator, do you believe with the notion that it was rigged?

Although the video cuts off there, suggesting there might have been more to the exchange, after that came only Tapper saying, "All right. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, thank you so much. Appreciate your time, Senator."

I'm not going to spend an enormous amount of time debunking Tapper's mendacious framing and Warren's astounding endorsement of the notion that the Democratic primary was rigged, because lots of other people are already doing that very effectively, and also because I think the entire thing is easily debunked with one simple fact: "Hillary for America was keeping the party afloat, which included state party funding to administer caucuses, which Secretary Clinton lost the majority of."

The fact is that the party was broke and Clinton raised the cash so that there could be a primary. That included caucuses which she knew she would lose.

I understand completely why it is that people who are primed to see Hillary Clinton as a duplicitous, entitled, power-hungry monster look at the facts and see a woman who would do anything to win.

Because that's what they're expecting to see.

But those same facts also tell the story of a dedicated, loyal, profoundly small-d democratic patriot — a woman who would do anything to ensure that her party and her country's democracy stay functional.

I am deeply troubled by the fact that suddenly Donna Brazile and Elizabeth Warren have joined the ranks of those who can only see the villain.

Apparently they've seen that the dirtbag left has succeeded in taking the party hostage and have calculated their futures depend on capitulating to their first and most aggressive demand: Shittalk Hillary Clinton, relentlessly and remorselessly.

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