
Today, many women are "boycotting" (not using) Twitter for a day, in support of Rose McGowan, after she was suspended from Twitter. I will not be tweeting today, in solidarity with McGowan and other survivors of sexual abuse who feel they have been silenced.

I want to acknowledge that there have been criticisms of #WomenBoycottTwitter: Not all women can be off Twitter because their jobs oblige them to use the social media platform; some women quite understandably don't like the idea of women effectively silencing themselves for any reason; and Ava DuVernay called white women in: "Calling white women allies to recognize conflict of #WomenBoycottTwitter for women of color who haven't received support on similar issues."

These are are valid and important criticisms, and, in trying to respect and respond to them while also taking up space in solidarity with McGowan and other survivors who feel supported by the boycott, I've struck what I acknowledge is an imperfect compromise.

I will not be on Twitter today, but I will be here, in the space I created with the explicit purpose of centering and amplifying women's voices.

Elevating a diversity of progressive women's voices is critically important to me. Believing women is critically important to me. Speaking out myself about being a survivor of sexual abuse — and countless other issues — is critically important to me.

So I will do that here today, as I do, consciously and thoughtfully, every day. And I will be quiet on Twitter, with the hope that my silence there will resonate as much as my voice here.

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