Here Is Something Nice

Kazuo Ishiguro, who has written a number of extraordinary novels including A Pale View of Hills, The Remains of the Day, and Never Let Me Go, has been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature for "novels of great emotional force" in which he "has uncovered the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world."

Ishiguro told the BBC that receiving the award was "flabbergastingly flattering," and "a magnificent honour."
He said he hoped the Nobel Prize would be a force for good. "The world is in a very uncertain moment and I would hope all the Nobel Prizes would be a force for something positive in the world as it is at the moment," he said.

"I'll be deeply moved if I could in some way be part of some sort of climate this year in contributing to some sort of positive atmosphere at a very uncertain time."
Well, I'm certainly very positive on this decision! I love his work. He is one of my favorite novelists, and I have always heard that he is a kind person.

So congratulations to Kazuo Ishiguro — and let me also acknowledge his wife Lorna MacDougall, without whose brutally honest collaboration he would not be the same writer.

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