Here Are Two Things to Read About Hillary Clinton

Hello. I am so tired of Donald Trump. It is an exhaustion like I have never known. If you feel like I do (and I bet you do!), then the opportunity to read something, anything, about someone likeable and admirable is enormously welcome.

And all the better when that someone is Hillary Clinton.

So here are two things to read about Hillary Clinton this morning!

1. Sirena Bergman at the Independent: Last Night, I Saw Hillary Clinton – Every Young Woman I Told Was Excited and Every Middle-Aged Man Asked Why I'd Bother.
In a one-off event at London's Southbank Centre, the doyenne of US politics spoke candidly about everything from those godforsaken emails to how we can fight endemic societal sexism.

She didn't say much you won't already have heard if you've listened to any of the myriad interviews she's been giving while promoting her book about the 2016 election campaign, the poignantly titled What Happened. But in those 90 minutes I spent in the audience, furiously taking notes and revelling in the buzzing atmosphere, I saw for the first time that she shouldn't just have won that election because she was the voters' rightful choice, or because of the sickening alternative that came to be, but because the passion and awe she can inspire with the faintest of smiles or by answering the driest of questions is unparalleled.
2. Sarah Ferguson at ABC News Australia: Hillary Clinton: How Losing to Donald Trump Changed Her.
In loss, Hillary Clinton is more candid than we are accustomed to in politicians.

That doesn't mean a wholesale acceptance of the errors she made, campaigning decisions in the swing states, or her failings as a candidate, but how many politicians at that level have written a sentence like this?

"I have come to terms with the fact that a lot of people — millions and millions of people — decided they just didn't like me. Imagine what that feels like. It hurts. And it's a hard thing to accept. But there's no getting around it," she said.
I like her. I believe I always will.

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