Trump Is a Disgrace. As Usual.

Donald Trump, at a press conference just earlier this afternoon:

So, uh, I will also say that, again, I read you part of his quote, but, the governor of Puerto Rico is so thankful for the great job that we're doing. We did a great job in Texas, a great job in Florida, a great job in Louisiana — we hit little pieces of Georgia and Alabama. And, uh, frankly, we're doing—

And it's the most difficult job, because it's on the island; it's on an island in the middle of the ocean. It's out in the ocean. You can't just drive your trucks there from other states.

And, uh, the governor said we are doing a great job. In fact, he thanked me specifically for FEMA and all of the first responders in Puerto Rico.
Self-aggrandizing stain on humankind. Fucking hell.

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If you are looking for ways to help:

As always, in addition to discussing what a loathsome wreck Donald Trump is, please feel welcome and encouraged to use this thread to share other ways to support the residents of Puerto Rico.

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