Healthcare Legislation Update: Not Over; Still Terrible

If you can't see the screencap embedded in the tweet, it reads:

I'm exhausted with all the "but it was actually a genius move, because since he let it come up for a vote, now it's dead!" bullshit. Okay, players. How many times have we heard this thing is dead so far? Like the GOP is going to just give up. The fuck they are. They'll find another way to try to get it done. Or, as Trump keeps threatening, they'll just accelerate Obamacare's death by causing it to fail. So how exactly did John McCain "save" healthcare? He didn't. What he did was save the Republican caucus from getting their asses kicked out of office if we still have free and fair elections in 2018. Now they get all the credit for their relentless effort to repeal Obamacare, and none of the blame for shitty healthcare policy when Obamacare "fails" because they undermined it.
If you can't see the screencap embedded in the tweet, it reads:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) met with President Trump Friday at the White House about the senator's ObamaCare replacement proposal.

The meeting, confirmed by Graham's spokesman, Kevin Bishop, comes as some Republicans are pushing to keep alive their effort to repeal and replace ObamaCare despite the failed vote in the Senate early Friday morning.

Graham has pitched his bill as a better alternative to ObamaCare than GOP leaders' plans. His measure, also backed by Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), would convert money currently being spent on providing ObamaCare coverage into a block grant to states. States could then choose how to spend the funds.

If you're thinking, "Hey, aren't McCain and Graham pretty solid pals who have been showing up together a hell of a lot since Trump got elected pretending like they're not aggressive jackasses like the rest of their party but not actually doing anything to stop Trump and often abetting him at the last moment?" you are correct! They are indeed!

If you are wondering whether I believe McCain knew all along that Graham would try to do an end-run around Mitch McConnell and go straight to Trump with yet another healthcare plan, the answer is yes! I do!

A hero for whom, exactly?

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