"But What Is Harm?"

[Content Note: Discussion of assisted death.]

Although this piece in the Guardian by Haider Javed Warraich has an absolutely dreadful headline, it is a very good piece on the history of right-to-die law and the current state of the assisted death debate in the United States.

I definitely recommend it, especially if you are, like me, someone who would like to have this legal choice available, when and if we need it.

[Note: Although discussions of right-to-die laws routinely refer to patients' deaths as "physician assisted suicide," right-to-die laws are really not about suicide, which is the intentional taking of one's own life. Terminally ill people's lives are already being taken by disease; they are just being given control of the "when" of their deaths. Please bear that distinction in mind in this thread and take care not to conflate "suicide" with assisted death in comments.]

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