Trump to Announce Withdrawal from Paris Agreement

Any minute now, Donald Trump will appear in the Rose Garden reportedly to announce that he will withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement on climate change.

Provided he does indeed announce exactly what we expect, it will be, like many Trump decisions, not surprising but still gutting.

Here is a thread for discussion.

UPDATE: And here it is.

UPDATE 2: I am nauseous after watching that address. I can't overstate how extreme a speech that was, no less the decision it announced.

If you were concerned that maybe there wasn't a man around to call me a hysteric, FEAR NOT.

This, what happened today, is exactly the sort of thing I feared with a Trump presidency, and why I flattened myself trying to prevent it. Lies. Disastrous decisions. Global peril. The United States becoming a pariah around the world.

And here we are. Maybe a few more people should have been as not fucking relaxed as I was. Goddammit.

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