Senate "Healthcare" Vote Delayed

I can't emphasize this point strongly enough: Do not let down your guard. There is a complex strategy here, and trust that it does not involve Senate Republicans caving on this reprehensible legislation.

They will continue to delay as long as they think they can outlast our attention, so vigilance is crucial.

Announcing a delay now will suggest to lots of people who aren't paying careful attention that they can relax, because the bill is on its last legs. Nope! That's certainly what Mitch McConnell hopes voters will think, though, so vigilance is crucial.

The delay will give McConnell time to convince the equivocating members of his caucus to vote for the bill, even if it means offering them sweeteners — which, in some cases, would mean making the bill even worse, so vigilance is crucial.

Keep up the heat. It's the best and only chance we've got.

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