No Silver Linings

Over the weekend, there was another long and widely circulated thinkpiece penned by a white man who is hoping for an outcome — in this case, the resurgence of Republican moderates (lol) — that will make Donald Trump's presidency "worth it."

I published a Twitter thread responding to the general idea, ubiquitous on both the right and the left, that there will be silver linings of one sort of another to Trump's presidency.

I've turned that Twitter thread into a moment: "Stop Saying There Will Be Silver Linings to Trump's Presidency."

This is a subject on which I've written before, specifically the foolishness of imagining a leftist utopia will rise from the ashes of Trump's presidency. And I imagine I will be obliged to keep writing it, because there is a seemingly endless stream of glib shitheads who are willing to sacrifice other people's safety or very lives for the possibility of a highly unlikely "silver lining" of one sort or another.

Trump is busily annihilating of our democratic systems and norms. Destroying something is rarely the way to fix it.

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