Discussion Thread: Secret YouTube Confessions

So, this is a conversation I often have with friends, and it's always fun and fascinating, because it seems like everyone's got a secret interest they pursue via YouTube videos.

Often, I've discovered, it centers around some talent or hobby you'd like to cultivate, but don't have the time or money or courage to dive in, in real life.

Sometimes it's about a music genre that's wildly outside your typical faves, or a bit of foreign culture that compels you.

For me, it's definitely the former. I love watching instructional videos on how to play the flugelhorn, lol. I have watched so many Intro to Flugelhorn videos. Probably all of them, since there aren't that many!

I watch them and dream of a day that will probably never come when I have the time to take up an instrument that most people have never even heard of, haha.


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