Shaker Gardens Thread: March

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Hey Shakers! Spring is rolling around again in the Northern Hemisphere! I got out this weekend for the first bit of garden time. I'm pretty busy right now with Women's History Month events on my campus, but I got a little bit done.

I really didn't get too much accomplished this fall in terms of bulb planting, so... spring blooms are courtesy work done in years past. The blooms above are species tulips that came back looking great! Here's a different angle, with some bonus flowering rosemary:

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I also had some good luck with daffs coming back and, to my surprise, Dutch iris. They usually are annuals. I did nothing with them, and they surprised me! Pardon the fuzziness here; it was windy yesterday.

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I planted some radishes, lettuce, and peas--actually a bit late for here in the US Southeast. I hope to get at least one crop before it gets too hot. Meanwhile we also brought some of the plants outside that had to be moved in for winter. And hey, they're bearing fruit too! Here's the pineapple plant with fruit coming along:

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Do you have garden plans, or are you gardening right now? (Southern Hemisphere readers, tell us about your fall!) Please feel free to share in this thread. Whether it is a pot on a rooftop apartment, a multi-acre farm, flower beds or a single plant in the windowsill, this is the place to talk about it. As ever, please be respectful of the fact that different gardeners have different priorities, whether that be yield per foot, water conservation, organic gardening, economical gardening, or something else! As a closer, here's my Knockout Rose, a gift from my spouse for this Valentine's Day. What's growing, Shakers?

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