Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt lying on her belly on the living room floor, with froggy back legs out behind her; her black fur is spotted with loose bits of grey undercoat peeking through
Oh boy—Zelly's blowing her coat again!

Zelda is a mutt's mutt: One of her parents was a Shar Pei-Australian Cattle Dog mix. The other one of her parents was a Siberian Husky-Alaskan Klee Kai mix. (A Klee Kai is basically a mini-husky.)

Her coat, however, is 100% husky.

Which means that she blows her coat in the spring, and OH MY GOD is it quite the dramatic event, lol. THERE IS SO MUCH FUR! I mean, if you've ever seen a photo of a husky blowing its coat after it's been groomed, you get the picture.

image of a husky surrounded by a gigantic pile of fur
Pretty much.

Zelly hates being groomed, so it's quite a production. Days and days of trying to cajole her to let me brush her or hand-strip her or remove the hair in any conceivable fashion. Fur piles larger than you would believe. Lots of frustration. Even more laughter. The most cuddles.

Did I mention lots of fur? LOTS OF FUR.

* * *

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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