TV Corner: This Is Us

promotional image for the NBC television show 'This Is Us,' featuring the primary cast

I finally saw this week's episode of This Is Us last night, and omgggg that was a doozy. What a truly amazing show. I don't want to say anything about the most recent episode here, because I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so instead I'll just leave this tweet from Milo Ventimiglia (who plays Jack) here:

[Image in tweet is of Ventimiglia holding up a handwritten note reading: "Dear Sir/Madam: Please excuse _________ from work/school today, Wednesday. Last night was a very emotional episode of This Is Us. Thank you, Papa Pearson."]

Question: Do you think the show writers actually think Toby is a good boyfriend? Or do you think they are consciously writing a Nice GuyTM? Because whoa is he a textbook case of a Nice GuyTM, with all his manipulations of Kate.

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