The Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by pleather.

Recommended Reading:

On Twitter, Cristi Smith-Jones is doing an amazing Black History Month photo project with her 5-year-old daughter, in which they recreate photos of "one incredible black woman every day in Feb." Check out her timeline to see the terrific photos. [H/T to Shaker aforalpha.]

Kenrya: [Content Note: Racism; nativism] Thousands Join Milwaukee's Day Without Latinxs, Immigrants, and Refugees March

Wilbert: [CN: Misogynoir; police violence; domestic violence; images of guns] This Group of Black Women Is Taking Up Arms to Fight Racism and Misogyny

Lisa: [CN: Misogyny; war on agency] Oklahoma Anti-Abortion Lawmaker Says Women Are Merely 'Hosts'

Samantha: How I Distract Myself from All This Wild Ass Shit in the News

Jenn: [CN: Racism] Memo to Non-Asians: Jeannie Mai Is Not Brenda Song, and Riz Ahmed Is Not Dev Patel

Ragen: [CN: Fat hatred; harassment and threats] Hero Burlesque Dancer Names and Shames Her Trolls

Andy: Trump's Official Inauguration Poster Contains a Sad Typo

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