The Unmitigated Temerity of This Guy

I've got a new piece at Shareblue about Paul Ryan being reelected Speaker (because of course he was) and the speech he gave after being reelected, which was all about patriotism (because of course it was).
Trump's continual praise of Putin alone raises serious, urgent, concerning questions about the President-elect's allegiance to this nation.

The fact that he tweets about his "enemies" in the United States raises questions about his loyalty to the people of this nation, whom he is meant to represent.

Meanwhile, Ryan stands on the floor of Congress and speaks without a trace of irony or self-awareness about "a deep, abiding love of our country" and pledging "allegiance to one flag: the red, white, and blue." If Ryan and his Congressional compatriots love this country so much, then why are they diligently nurturing their capacity to ignore the significant betrayal to this country being waged by the president-elect from their own party?

Ryan has no business talking about love of country when his party is endeavoring to see it destroyed from every angle — from their own regressive agenda, to their indifference to Trump’s campaign of capitulation.

"Find one person in this House," he said in his prepared remarks, "who doesn't want the best for America."

Someone hand the Speaker a mirror.
There is much more, including the most outrageous excerpt from Ryan's address, at the link.

I can't, y'all. I cannot. I absolutely and comprehensively cannot listen to Republicans talk about their patriotism for one minute longer while they allow the president-elect from their party to sing the praises of Vladimir Putin and refuse to investigate Russian interference in our election.

Liars. Traitorous liars.

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