Sessions Hearing Highlights

Here are a few things that have happened during Sessions' confirmation hearing, in case you haven't spent your day watching this trainwreck of social justice hostilities:

Alison R. Parker: Feinstein grills Sessions on his regressive views on reproductive justice and marriage equality.

Tommy Christopher: Pat Leahy busts Jeff Sessions for trying to rewrite his record on LGBT hate crimes legislation.

Me: Franken amazingly demolishes Sessions' cynical misrepresentations of his record.

That last one, where Franken just destroyed Sessions' lies, was my favorite moment of the day so far. It was incredible to watch.

Overall, I am very proud of the Democrats for fighting hard against this guy, even though they know the Republicans will confirm him. They are laying the groundwork for the resistance, and very effectively tying every last bit of Sessions' bigotry to Donald Trump. GOOD.

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