Here are the latest pieces from Shareblue, in case you missed any of 'em!
Me: Movement grows to keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases his tax returns.
Dianna E. Anderson: Women's March on Washington set to be largest inauguration demonstration ever.
Matthew Chapman: While Trump and Pence go after Obamacare, Obama and the Dems fight to save it.
Tommy Christopher: Progressive group launches huge ad campaign to oppose Trump's Treasury nominee.
Dianna E. Anderson: State legislatures brashly moving forward on anti-LGBT agenda under Trump.
Me: Gaslighter-in-chief Trump claims to be "big fan" of intelligence community.
Tommy Christopher: Trump breaks promise to reveal secret intel on Russian hacking by Wednesday.
Me: Senator Tim Kaine goes in on Trump and his "unusual, suspicious" allegiance with Putin.
Tommy Christopher: Trump tanks Toyota stock by $1.2 billion in 5 minutes with a single tweet.
Leah McElrath: Senate Committee takes aim at Trump and his war on intelligence.
Matthew Chapman: House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers.
Alison R. Parker: Senator Kamala Harris's first act in office is to protect DREAMers from Trump's deportation forces.
Tommy Christopher: Republicans just gave themselves the power to cut federal employee salaries — to one dollar.
Dianna E. Anderson: Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder joins California in the fight against Trump.
Me: Yes, We Can: In a moving video, people recall meaningful moments of Obama's presidency.
Ginger McKnight-Chavers: Senator Jeff Sessions' attempted civil rights makeover merely reveals more ugliness.
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