A Message from the White House to KEEP RESISTING

During today's absurd White House press briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer complained bitterly about the negative coverage of Donald Trump:

It's not just about a crowd size. It's about this constant, you know— He's not gonna run. Then if he runs, he's gonna drop out. Then if he runs, he can't win. [insert another full minute of whining about how unfair lol the press has been to Trump] I think over and over again there's this constant attempt to undermine his credibility and the movement that he represents. And it's frustrating, for not just him, but I think so many of us that are trying to work to get this message out.
Boo-hoo. And we're the ones who are supposed to be the delicate snowflakes.


Spicer certainly did not intend his words to be received this way—quite the opposite!—but as Adam Jentleson, retired Senator Harry Reid's former deputy Chief of Staff, noted: Spicer's "whining monologue about how he finds bad stories 'demoralizing' is incredibly energizing for those of us in the opposition."

Yes, yes it is.

Spicer has unintentionally telegraphed precisely what we need to do: KEEP RESISTING. And keep resisting by pointing out that Donald Trump is the losingest winner to ever enter the Oval Office, with a massive popular vote deficit, with historically low favorability ratings, with a wildly unpopular Cabinet, with an Electoral College victory delivered to him by Russian interference and the catastrophically bad judgment of a rogue FBI director, with no mandate.

Demoralize the Loser President and his band of miscreants and minions. Their message is garbage, and they should be blocked at every turn from "getting it out."

Reject. Refuse. Resist.

It's Day Three—and it's already getting to them. Good.

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