This Is Bad

My Shareblue colleague Tommy Christopher has written a piece that will be of particular concern to single working parents in the US: "Trump's tax plan hits single working parents particularly hard."
With all the chaos surrounding the transition to a Trump administration, it is easy to lose sight of even major policy developments. Rutgers University Professor Brittney Cooper flagged a particularly significant issue that has received little attention: "So everyone is clear that Trump's tax plan doesn't allow single parents to file as head-of-household anymore right?"

Eliminating the head-of-household filing status is a major change, with potentially severe consequences for some who currently use it.

...The article goes on to explain that a single parent would be no worse off if they made $15,150 or less, and would not see any benefit unless their income reached $560,000 a year. But: "Trump's tax rates would increase a single parent's tax bill at almost every AGI level between $15,150 and about $560,000."
There is more at the link.

I don't even have words. This could be utterly devastating for single parents surviving on low incomes.

And I will never, ever, stop being angry that the corporate media spent 600+ days on Hillary Clinton's emails, while this kind of garbage was largely allowed to fly under the radar.

This deserved 600 days of coverage.

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