POTUS Bringing the Fire

[Content Note: Bigotry.]

FLOTUS wasn't the only one who brought the fire yesterday. POTUS had a little fire-breathing of his own to do.

They knew better, a lot of these folks who ran, and they didn't say anything—and so they don't get credit for, at the very last minute, when finally the guy that they nominated, and they endorsed and they supported, is caught on tape saying things that no decent person would even think, much less say, much less brag about, much less laugh about or joke about, much less act on. You can't wait until that finally happens and then say, "Oh that's too much! That's enough!" and think that you are showing any kind of leadership and deserve to be elected to the United States Senate! [cheers and applause] You don't get points for that!

In fact, I'm more forgiving of the people who actually believe it!—than the people who know better and stood silently by out of political expediency, because it was politically convenient! [applause]

And if your only organizing principle has been to block progress and block what we've tried to do to help the American people, every step of the way... So you're not even consistent anymore. You claim the mantle of the party of family values, and this is the guy you nominate?! And stand by and endorse and campaign with?! Until finally, at the eleventh hour, you withdraw your [endorsement]? You don't get credit for that. [applause]

You're the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia? And then you nominate this guy? Whose role model is Vladimir Putin? The former head of the KGB? I'm sorry—what happened?

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