Meet the "Top Scot" Who Took on Trump

[Content Note: Bullying; intimidation.]

I've got a new piece at Shareblue about Michael and Molly Forbes, the Scottish farmer and his mom who took on Donald Trump when he tried to force them off their land for a golf resort:
For nearly a decade, Scotsman Michael Forbes and his mother Molly fought a battle against Donald Trump, who used every means possible to try to get his hands on their farmland as part of a golf resort project in Aberdeenshire.

When they refused to be bought, Trump threatened to try to use a compulsory purchase order to forcibly remove Forbes and his mother from their own property.

And when that didn't work, Trump started a media blitz against Forbes, saying he lives in "disgusting" and "slum-like" conditions, asserting that he is "not a respected man among the people that he lives with," and sneering that he "lives in a pig-like atmosphere; it's disgusting."
There is more at the link. It's simultaneously the most Trump story ever (in a bad way), and the most Scottish story ever (in a good way).

Yet another on an endless list of reasons that this guy should never be our president.

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