In the News

Here's some stuff in the news today...

[Content Note: War; displacement; famine] This Washington Post piece on the famine in Nigeria is a must-read: "About a million and a half of the victims have fled the Islamist extremists and are living in makeshift camps, bombed-out buildings, and host communities, receiving minimal supplies from international organizations. An additional 2 million people, according to the United Nations, are still inaccessible because of the Boko Haram fighters, who control their villages or patrol the surrounding areas. 'We will see, I think, a famine unlike any we have ever seen anywhere,' unless immediate assistance is provided, said Toby Lanzer, the top U.N. official focused on humanitarian aid for the region."

[CN: Abduction; misogyny; video may autoplay at link] In related news: "Twenty-one of the Chibok girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in April 2014 have been released, according to the Nigerian government." Twenty-one. Out of hundreds who remain missing.

The Washington Post has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. That brings the grand total of major newspaper endorsements to: Hillary: ALL OF THEM and Trump: STILL ZERO.

Anne Holton, who is married to Tim Kaine, was asked during a CNN interview how her husband "courted" her. She replied: "I courted him." We have a fine, fine Democratic ticket this year, friends.

Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in literature. Okay!

Wow: "There are a dizzying two trillion galaxies in the Universe, up to 20 times more than previously thought, astronomers reported on Thursday. The surprising find, based on 3D modeling of images collected over 20 years by the Hubble Space Telescope, was published in the Astronomical Journal."

OMG LOLOLOL: "The officers began searching the house… And then, the burglar appeared. In fact, he was unapologetically staring at them right from the roof window! 'One of the deputies outside the house heard this scratching noise,' said Crum. 'He shined his light around the house... The deputy said, and I quote: At that point we ditched all tactics and died laughing.'"

What have you been reading?

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