"Frankly Pathetic"

[Content Note: Rape apologia.]

I've got a new piece at Shareblue about the juvenilization of Donald Trump:
Big Trump, says Gingrich, is "a historic figure talking about historic ideas." Little Trump, on the other hand, is "very sensitive, particularly to anything which attacks his own sense of integrity or his own sense of respectability, and he reacts very intensely, almost uncontrollably, to those kinds of situations."

Little Trump has behaved in "frankly pathetic" ways, he said. "I hope he grows out of it."

I hope he grows out of it is something a person says about an 8-year-old, not a 70-year-old man who is running for president of the United States, with three weeks to go until the election.

...There is nothing charming about an adult man who imagines or acts like he is still a boy. Especially not a man who is petitioning for the nation's highest office.

And since the best the Republicans had to offer is a boy, it is a good thing the Democrats nominated a woman.
There is more at the link! (Including a very shareable graphic!)

This is one of those issues where I can't help but observe the stark contrast between how we (as a culture) view Trump and how we view Hillary Clinton. She is always and forever expected to be a grown-up (and so she should be), but even things she did as a child, like being a Goldwater Girl when she wasn't even old enough to vote for him, are treated as the failure of an adult who should have known better.

Meanwhile, Trump is still just a kid with some growing-up to do at age 70.

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