Discussion Thread: Election Anxiety

[Content Note: Bigotry; anxiety.]

I thought it might be time for another thread on election anxiety, given how many of us have been upset and/or triggered by accounts of Donald Trump's predation, his continued bigotry, and the number of apathetic or defensive responses to all of it.

Ahead of the 2012 election, I wrote:
This election feels like a referendum on every aspect of social justice to me: Are racists going to win the day and vote out our first African American president, not on his policies but his personhood? Are homophobes going to win the day and vote against marriage equality, in some or all of the places in which civil rights have been put to a vote? Are disablists/classists going to win the day and vote for Romney in the hope of overturning Obamacare and other key parts of the social safety net? Are misogynists going to win the day and vote to deny women agency and access to reproductive healthcare? Etc.

...As much as I can't wait for this election to be over...then there's the day after, and the day after... This is the third presidential election and fifth national election I've now covered, and, well, I don't normally feel this anxious about an election. It's a lot of different things, but I feel like I'm holding something slippery in my hands, and it's about to slide from my grasp and fall away.
I never imagined how much more anxious I could get. Would get, four years later.

Anyway. If you need to express election anxiety, here's a place to do it.

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