Quote of the Day

[Content Note: War on agency; misogyny; racism.]

"Republicans were more interested in attacking Planned Parenthood and flying the Confederate flag―can't make that stuff up; that's really the truth―than protecting women and babies from this awful virus."—Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, expressing his disgust that Republicans continue to play politics instead of offering a clean bill (sans garbage amendments) on Zika funding.
The Senate passed a $1.1 billion bipartisan compromise to fund Zika efforts ― which was about $800 million short of what Democrats and the White House wanted ― but Republicans in the House objected to the measure. But rather than change the funding or insist on a different response from the administration, Republicans added provisions targeting Planned Parenthood and the Clean Water Act, as well as ones that would make cuts to Obamacare and preserve the right to fly the Confederate flag.

Senate Democrats refused to accept those provisions, and Republicans refused to remove them.
Which, of course, are not equal positions. The Republicans are trying to hold people's health and lives hostage in exchange for provisions that harm people's health and lives in different ways. And the Democrats refused to agree to that. As well they should.

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