Clinton Made Me Proud; Trump Made Me Scared

[Content Note: Misogyny; assault; fat hatred.]

I've got a new piece at Shareblue about the debate last night, and the stark difference made evident once again between the two candidates on issues of concern to women (and anyone who doesn't hold women in contempt):
Monday's presidential debate opened with a question about jobs. Hillary Clinton was the first to answer. She spoke about jobs, and then she spoke about equal pay for women. And about paid family leave. And about affordable childcare. Because an economy that works for women includes all of these things, not just a job.

Donald Trump launched into one of his typically grim rants about how America is losing, failing, collapsing. And then he promised to cut taxes, asserting that would create job growth, which is a favorite fairy tale of conservatives, no matter that it has been resoundingly discredited. He didn't mention women at all, nor employment policies that support families.

And so it went.

...Trump's only policy proposal for women still seems to be "treat them like sh*t."

There is simply no question that Hillary Clinton, who has spent her career advocating for women and children, has designed and proposed better policy for women than her opponent — which itself should be enough evidence that she also has more respect for women than her opponent.

But, as if to make it abundantly clear, Trump spent the debate repeatedly interrupting Clinton, and his worst moment of the evening came after the debate, when he grabbed the wrist of a female reporter asking him a question about young women who are nervous about voting for him.

The reporter, Alexi McCammond, wrote about the incident, describing what happened and noting: "So Trump never verbally answered my question about how he would respond to women who are nervous to vote for him, but I got the answer I needed."
There is much, much more at the link. And just not about why Donald Trump is terrible, but about why Hillary Clinton is great: "Clinton, as usual, had to be extraordinary and make it look effortless. It's a ridiculously tall order, and yet: She did it."

She did it.

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