Okay, But.

[Content Note: Bigotry.]

Republican US Senator from Maine Susan Collins has written a piece for the Washington Post in which she says that she cannot support Donald Trump's candidacy. She does not endorse Hillary Clinton; she merely says she won't support Trump.

She lists three incidents that have led her to this decision, fully 17 months after he announced his candidacy. "The first was his mocking of a reporter with disabilities... The second was Mr. Trump's repeated insistence that Gonzalo Curiel, a federal judge born and raised in Indiana, could not rule fairly in a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage... Third was Donald Trump's criticism of the grieving parents of Army Capt. Humayun Khan..."

Yep, those were all very terrible! But.

Forgive my cynicism (actually, don't), but I just don't think you get credit for saying Trump is too nasty to endorse now, when he's fixing to lose spectacularly and it's politically expedient to distance oneself, because he was the same kind of nasty a year a half ago.

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