GOP Veepstakes

I honestly don't know which would be worse: Donald Trump choosing Mike Pence as his veep; choosing Chris Christie as his veep; or Newt Gingrich as his veep. Either way, it's a ticket full of hot garbage breath and melancholy.

Anyway. Blah blah news:
Fox News on Tuesday suspended Newt Gingrich as a political contributor over speculations that Donald Trump is considering the former House Speaker as a possible pick for vice president.

The news channel said in a statement it is has "mutually agreed to suspend its contributor agreement" with Gingrich "effective immediately," CNN Money reports.

"Due to the intense media speculation about Gingrich's potential selection as Donald Trump's vice presidential candidate, we felt it best to halt his contributor role on the network to avoid all conflicts of interest that may arise," executive vice president for news Jay Wallace said in the statement.

I wish I gave a shit, but, honestly, whoever he chooses is going to be the worst. It's just a matter of which flavor of the worst will be scooped into this trash sundae.

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