Democratic Convention Day Two Wrap-Up!


As you might have heard, via the news or via the reverberating sound of my celebratory sobs carried on the winds of history, Hillary Clinton officially captured the Democratic nomination yesterday, making her the first woman in the nation's history to be the presidential nominee of a major party.

Woo. What a time to be alive!

At the end of the evening, Clinton made a quick appearance at the convention via satellite from New York:

Video Description: A video that was showing all the male presidents from George Washington to Barack Obama on a huge screen in the convention hall "shatters," revealing Hillary Clinton with a HUGE smile on her face. The crowd cheers as celebratory music plays!

Clinton: Hello, Philadelphia! I am so happy. It's been a great day and night. What an incredible honor that you have given me. And I can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet! [cheers] Thanks to you and to everyone who's fought so hard to make this possible. This is really your victory; this is really your night. And, if there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say [the camera pulls back to reveal that she's in a room full of supporters] I may become the first woman president, but one of you is next! Thank you all! I can't wait to join you in Philadelphia! Thank you! [cheers and applause]
I again did some live-tweeting of the primetime speakers, and I've Storified those tweets for anyone who wants to read them.

Once again, I'll just remark upon how almost indescribably different the Democratic convention is from the Republican convention. I am buoyed by the messages of hope, optimism, and commitment to the hard work of making progress happen together that emanate from every speaker at the Democratic convention. My people.

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