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Recommended Reading:
Amie: [Content Note: Mass shootings; domestic violence] We Need to Talk About the Role of Domestic Violence in Mass Shootings
Ragen: [CN: Queerphobia; fat hatred] Sometimes It's The Little Things
Sameer: [CN: Misogyny; Pulse shooting] Michelle Obama's Advice to Men at United State of Women Summit: 'Be Better'
Brian: [CN: Fat hatred] My Story. My Promise. My Hope.
Lakshmi: [CN: Disablism] Zayn Malik opened up about his anxiety. Here's why that matters.
TLC: [CN: Transphobia; racism; sexual violence] Formerly Detained TransLatina Immigrant Women Share Experiences, Demands in Historic Meeting with ICE Officials
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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