Rage. Seethe. Boil.

[Content Note: Violent rhetoric; racism.]

Earlier today, at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's annual conference, Republican Senator David Perdue urged attendees to pray for President Obama, citing a Psalm that is a prayer for someone's death. Naturally, he says he was just joking around hardy har.

I have a post about this at BNR:
Seven-and-a-half years, I have watched — and I have seethed — as the President comported himself with professionalism and dignity and respect for his ideological opponents, and they have treated him in return with nothing but contempt.

So I am certainly not surprised by Sen. Perdue's reprehensible "prayer" for our President. But I am nonetheless angry.

Along the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton often says that President Obama doesn't get the credit he deserves for his accomplishments. I agree.

And he doesn't get the respect he deserves, either. Not as the President, and not even as a human being. Not from Republicans — and shame on them for it.
Click through the read the whole thing.

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