
Deeky (and Twitter) informs me that today is National Best Friends Day. Happy National Best Friends Day! Here are some recent pix of Deeks and me, two of History's Greatest Monsters.

image of Deeks and me lying on the floor of my living room
image of Deeks and me standing beside each other; he's got his arm around my shoulders

And here are two of my favorite posts about my friendship with Deeks:

Garbage Treasures! (The second half of that post, especially.)

Phone a Friend. (Maybe a vestment!)

I am lucky to have many dear friends in my life, people whom I love abundantly and feel fortunate to know every day. I am truly, profoundly, indescribably grateful for each of my friends, who allow me to be wholly myself and appreciate my attributes and forgive me my flaws and failures.

Deeks is more than a friend. He is my family. He is my brother.

Please feel invited to use this thread to talk about your besties—past, current, the friend for whom you're looking and hope to have in future. Whatever you like!

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